The American Library formerly known as the United States Information Service (USIS) Library is a part of the Public Affairs Office of the American Consulate General, Kolkata. Through its various activities and resources, the library aims to promote a better understanding of the policies, values, institutions and culture of the United States. It provides a wide range of current, accurate and authoritative information from a vast selection of print and electronic resources using state-of-the-art technology. The library collection focuses primarily on U.S. government and politics, international relations, economics, business management, social sciences, human rights, American history, American literature and global issues such as environment, drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. It maintains approximately 15,000 volumes of books, U.S. government and think tank reports, DVD on current topics, and subscribes to 162 American periodicals and 3 leading American newspapers.
Members may explore digital collection as well (On-site at American spaces only), -
Through eLibraryUSA you can access content in databases like Gale, Encyclopedia Britannica, eBrary, CQ and others specializing in diverse topics (including science, technology, environment, health, social sciences, literature, economics, business administration, English learning, history, and American culture).
The whole American Library collection may be accessed through the computerized Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) available on the Worldwide Web at the link below, -
Interested members may communicate to The Deputy Librarian, University of North Bengal to collect American Library Membership Card and physically visit The American Library from Monday to Friday (10.00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.) at the following address, -
The American Library
Public Affairs Office, American Center,
38-A, J. L. Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 071.
Tel: 91-33-6827-6300
The American Library shall endeavor to provide members of our University with a high level of personalized service always.